nyhet / kamera
Canon EOS R5 Mark II – högupplöst för hybridfotografen
Canon EOS R5 Mark II har många likheter med samtidigt släppta flaggskeppskameran EOS R1. Här hittar du all info, specifikationer och priser för nysläppta EOS R5 Mark II.
Canon har just släppt sin nya flaggskeppskamera Canon EOS R1 och Canon EOS R5 Mark II, där den senare får en hel del förbättringar jämfört med föregångarenCanon EOS R5 från 2020. Vi har testat båda kamerorna, läs mer i vår artikel "Vi testar nya Canon EOS R1 & EOS R5 Mark II – så bra är de".
Canon EOS R5 Mark II har en bakbelyst stackad sensor i fullformat på 45 megapixlar, vilket gör den mer högupplöst än den snabbare flaggskeppskameran Canon EOS R1.
Snabbare autofokus
Även om uppdateringarna är många så är autofokusen den del som fått högre prestanda genom användningen av en ny bildprocessor kallad "Digic Accelerator", som tillsammans med den tidigare processorn Digic X skapar det som Canon kallar för Accelerated Capture för att dra nytta av de fördelar som RF-fattningen har, med bland annat högre och snabbare dataöverföring, något som i sin tur kan användas för en mer beräknande autofokus. Läs mer om hur det fungerar i vår artikel om Canon EOS R1.

Bland annat hittar vi en uppdaterad Dual Pixel CMOS som nu kallas Dual Pixel Intelligent AF där Accelerated Capture ger möjlighet att spåra objekt genom att identifiera spelarnas ögon, ansikte, överkropp och eventuella hinder och andra spelare.

För den som främst vill fokusera på en viss person går det även att registrera ansikten på personer för att ge dessa prioriterad autofokus i situationer där fler ansikten finns med i scenen, en funktion som även finns hos nya EOS R1. Exempelvis kan du fotografera en bild på en spelare innan matchen och lagra, eller fotografera av en bild på en datorskärm från webben för att hitta prioriterade spelare och lägga till dessa i kamerans val för prioritering av personer.
I det nya fotograferingsläget Action Priority kan olika sporters händelser prioriteras, i skrivande stund fotboll, basket och volleyboll, där huvudmotivet som besitter bollen automatiskt får prioriterad fokus. Även ögon, ansikten och torso kan identifieras snabbt i sportläget.

Canon EOS R5 Mark II får även den ögonstyrda autofokus som vi tidigare sett i Canon EOS R3, med förbättrad algoritm för hur autofokusen ska följa ögats rörelser för att justera kamerans autofokuspunkt. För att lyckas med förbättringarna har Canon utvecklat ett artificiellt modellöga som ska likna ett typiskt människoöga – för att träna systemet för bästa prestanda.
Autofokusen klarar att fokusera ned till -6,5 EV.
Tar bilder i 30 bps & video i 8K
Canon EOS R5 Mark II fotograferar i 30 bilder per sekund i full upplösning med elektronisk slutare, till skillnad från Canon EOS R1 som kan fotografera i 40 bilder per sekund.
Pre-capture-läget gör att du kan fotografera upp till 15 bilder i HEIF/JPEG/RAW innan du tar bilden, vilket gör att du exempelvis får upp till en halv sekunds bildsekvens i 30 bilder per sekund, eller en sekund i 15 bilder per sekund, fångad innan du tryckta av för att ta bilden. Funktionen fungerar i alla bildsekvenslägen.
Film spelas in i 8K/60p i full sensorbredd i 12 bitars råformat internt på minneskortet och stödjer en hel del format, läs mer i specifikationsrutan nedan. 4K kan spelas in i 60p översamplat från 8K, eller i 120p med ljud. För den som filmar mycket har Canon även designat ett speciellt vertikalgrepp med inbyggd kylfläkt, CF-R20EP Cooling Fan.
Ljud spelas in i 24-bitars linjär PCM i fyra kanaler.

Canon EOS R5 Mark II har även stöd för Canon Log 2/Log 3, proxy-inspelning och inställningar för olika bildinställningar. Förutom de vanliga funktionerna för video och filmning har kameran även möjligheten att visa "waveform monitor", en hjälpreda vid filmning. Kamerahuset är designat i en magnesiumlegering som hjälper till att leda bort värme. Kameran har även ett nytt bättre batteri, LP-E6P.
Uppskalning i kameran
Canon EOS R5 II kan även skala upp bilderna till som mest 180 megapixlar direkt i kameran. Detta ger en del fördelar jämfört att skala upp bilderna i exempelvis Photoshop, främst genom att Canon själva menar att man håller en stängd kedja av datahantering för bilddatan, vilket gör att man kan bryta ned bilden i delar för att sedan bygga upp den igen.
Kameran sparar all bilddata kan olika datakombinationer från sensordatan användas för att förstora en bild upp till fyra gånger och spara som en ny JPEG. Tillsammans med möjligheten att beskära en bild i kameran för att skicka en av fotografen färdigbeskuren bild till exempelvis en redaktion, kan man samtidigt skala upp bilden för att få ökad bildkvalitet jämfört med annan uppskalning i tredjepartsprogram. Funktionen fungerar inte för råformat.

Funktionen använder sig av maskininlärning för sin uppskalning, men Canon poängterar även att ingen data läggs till i bilden – det är bara bildens data som används för att förstora den aktuella bilden. Canon EOS R1 har även på liknande vis fått funktioner för brusreducering, och tillsammans kallas funktionern för " Deep Learning in-camera image upscaling and noise reduction".
Funktionen kommer även finnas tillgänglig att använda som ett plugin till Lightroom genom funktionerna för "Canons Neural Network Image Processing" som finns i Canon DPP.
Fler förbättringar
Den elektroniska sökaren har en upplösning på 5,76M och ska även vara upp till två gånger ljusstarkare än den hos Canon EOS R5.
Nytt är även "anti-fog"-designen för sökare, eller anti-fukt-designen för fotografering i fuktiga, varma eller regniga miljöer. Sökaren leder bort fukten så den inte hindrar sikten för ögat och ska därmed vara lättare att använda vid tillfällen där den tidigare sökardesignen fångat upp fukten och immat igen glaset.
Kameran stödjer wifi 6E/11ax 6 GHz inbyggt i kamerahuset och dubbelkanalig överföring av media via FTP. Tillsammans med ett batterigrepp ges även möjlighet till stöd för uppkopplat trådbunden överföring på 2,5 gigabit via ethernet.
Canon har även förbättrat sin bildstabilisering via sensorshift, som nu ger upp till 8,5 stegs kompensation i bildens centrala del och upp till 7,5 steg i bildens ytterkant, beroende på vilket objektiv som används. Blixtsynken är förbättrad till 1/200s.

Kameran har plats för ett CFexpress Typ B-kort upp till 2 TB och är kompatibel med CFexpress specifikation 2.0 och VPG400, samt plats för ett SD-kort av UHS-II-typ. Det går även att dela upp så att video i exempelvis 8K spelas in på CF-expresskortet och en proxy-fil till SD-kortet.
Canon EOS R5 Mark II har ett rekommenderat pris på 57 999 kronor inklusive moms. Batterigreppet Canon BG-R20 (kompatibelt med Canon EOS R5, R6 och R6 Mark II) kostar 6 899 kronor inklusive moms. Canon BG-R20EP (med ethernet-kontakt) kostar 9 649 kronor inklusive moms.
Säljstart är slutet av augusti 2024. Här kan du läsa om samtidigt släppta flaggskeppskameran Canon EOS R1.
Type | 36 x 24 mm Full Frame back-illuminated stacked CMOS sensor |
Effective Pixels | Approx. 45 megapixels |
Total Pixels | Approx. 50.3 megapixels |
Aspect Ratio | 03:02 |
Low-Pass Filter | Built-in/Fixed |
Sensor Cleaning | EOS integrated cleaning system |
Colour Filter Type | RGB Primary Colour |
Sensor Shift-IS | Yes, up to 8.5-Stops advantage at the center and 7.5-stops peripheral depending on the lens used1 |
Type | DIGIC Accelerator and DIGIC X |
LENS | |
Lens Mount | RF / RF-S |
EF and EF-S lenses can be attached using: Mount Adapter EF-EOS R Control Ring Mount Adapter EF-EOS R, Drop-In Filter Mount Adapter EF-EOS R | |
EF-M lenses are not compatible | |
Focal Length | Equivalent to 1.0x the focal length of the lens with RF and EF lenses, 1.6x with EF-S and RF-S lenses. |
Image Stabilisation | |
Type | Dual Pixel Intelligent AF |
AF System/Points | 100% horizontal and 100% vertical with Face + Tracking and Auto Selection modes2 |
100% horizontal and 90% vertical with manual selection and large zone modes | |
AF Working Range | EV -6.5 –21 (at 23°C & ISO100)3 |
AF Modes | One Shot, Servo AF, AI Focus AF (in A+ Scene Intelligent Auto mode ) |
AF Methods | |
AF Point Selection | Automatic selection: Face + tracking. 1053 Available AF areas when automatically selected |
Manual selection: Spot AF | |
Manual selection: 1-point AF (AF frame size can be changed) 5850 (stills)/ (4500) movie AF positions available | |
Manual selection: AF point Expansion 4 points (up, down, left, right) | |
Manual selection: AF point Expansion surrounding | |
Manual selection: Flexible Zone AF 1-3 (all AF points divided into minimum 9 to 999 maximum focusing zones, where the width and hight is also adjustable) | |
Manual selection: Whole area AF | |
Manual selection: Spot AF (Whole area tracking servo AF OFF) | |
Manual selection: 1-point AF (Whole area tracking servo AF OFF) | |
Manual selection: AF point Expansion 4 points (up, down, left, right) (Whole area tracking servo AF OFF) | |
Manual selection: AF point Expansion surrounding (Whole area tracking servo AF OFF) | |
AF Tracking | Humans (Eyes, Face, Head, Upper half of body, Body), Animals (Dogs, Cats, Birds and Horses) or Vehicles (Racing cars or Motor bikes, Airplanes and Trains), Register People Priority (up to 10 x 10 registered people), Action Priority4 (Football, Basketball, Volleyball) |
Supported actions: | |
- Soccer: Shoot, header, short pass, long pass, dribble, clear, place kick, save by keeper, throw in, sliding tackle | |
- Basketball: Shoot, rebound, pass, dribble, free throw, jump ball | |
- Volleyball: Spike, toss, receive, serve | |
AF Lock | Locked when shutter button is pressed halfway or AF ON is pressed in One Shot AF mode. Using customised button set to AF stop in AI servo |
AF Assist Beam | Emitted by built in LED or optional dedicated Speedlite (flash) |
Manual Focus | Selected on lens |
Focus Bracketing | |
AF Microadjustment | |
Metering Modes | Real-time with image sensor, 6144-zone metering. |
(1)Evaluative metering (linked to All AF points) | |
(2)Partial metering (Approx. 9.5% of screen at centre) | |
(3) Spot metering: Centre spot metering (Approx. 5.3% screen at centre) AF point-linked spot metering not provided | |
(4)Centre weighted average metering | |
Metering Brightness Range | EV -3 – 20 (at 23°C, ISO100, with evaluative metering) |
AE Lock | Auto: AE lock takes effect when focus is achieved |
Manual: By AE lock button in P, Av, Fv, Tv and M modes | |
Exposure Compensation | `+/-3 EV in 1/3 or 1/2 stop increments (can be combined with AEB) |
AEB | +/-3 EV in 1/3 or 1/2 stop increments |
Anti-Flicker Shooting | Yes. Flicker detected at a frequency of 100 Hz or 120 Hz. Maximum continuous shooting speed may decrease available with both electronic and mechanical shutter |
High Frequency anti flicker shooting for M and TV modes | |
Electronic 1st-curtain: 1/50.0 to 1/2048.0 sec. | |
Electronic shutter: 1/50.0 to 1/8192.0 sec. | |
Movie recording: 1/50.0 to 1/8192.0 sec. (NTSC/PAL) | |
Maximum continuous shooting speed may decrease. | |
ISO Sensitivity | Auto 100-51200 (in 1/3-stop or 1 stop increments) |
ISO can be expanded to L:50, H1:1024005 | |
Type | Electronically-controlled focal-plane shutter and Electronic shutter function on sensor |
Electronic Shutter Type | |
Speed | 30-1/8000 sec (1/2 or 1/3 stop increments), Bulb (Total shutter speed range. Available range varies by shooting mode) |
Shutter Release | Soft touch electromagnetic release |
Type | Auto white balance with the imaging sensor supported by deep learning technology |
AWB (Ambience priority/White priority), Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten light, White Fluorescent light, Flash, Custom, Colour Temperature Setting | |
Settings | White balance compensation: |
1.Blue/Amber +/-9 | |
2.Magenta/Green +/-9 | |
Shift | |
Custom White Balance | Yes, 5 setting can be registered |
WB Bracketing | `+/-3 levels in single level increments 3, 2, 5 or 7 bracketed images per shutter release |
Selectable Blue/Amber bias or Magenta/Green bias | |
Type | 0.5-inch OLED colour EVF |
EVF Refresh Rate | |
Dot Count | 5.76 Million dots (1600x1200) |
Coverage (Vertical/Horizontal) | Approx. 100% |
Magnification | Approx. 0.76x6 |
Eyepoint | Approx. 24mm (from eyepiece lens centre) |
Dioptre Correction | -4 to +2 m-1 (dioptre) |
Brightness | |
Exposure Simulation | |
Display Settings | |
Display performance | Power saving: 59.94 fps Smooth 119.98 fps , supress low frame rate 60 -119.8fps7 (7 level of brightness) |
Sensor | |
Vertical Display | |
Viewfinder Information | AF point information, Eye Control pointer, Exposure level indicator, Shooting mode, ISO speed, Shutter speed, Aperture, Number of remaining multiple exposures, Exposure compensation, HDR shooting, Highlight tone priority, Multiple-exposure shooting, Multi Shot Noise Reduction, Number of self-timer shooting, Digital Lens Optimizer, Maximum burst, AF method, Battery level, Electronic level size, Card free space (%) display, AF operation, Exposure simulation, Drive mode, AEB, Metering mode, FEB, Anti-flicker shooting, Still photo cropping, Aspect ratio, Auto Lighting Optimizer, AE lock, Picture Style, Flash-ready, White balance, Flash off, White balance correction, FE lock, Image Quality, High-speed sync, Bluetooth function, Wi-Fi function, Multi-function lock warning, Histogram, Electronic level, Lens information, focus distance scale, vertical exposure scale, Grid, |
Depth of Field Preview | Yes, via customised button |
Eyepiece Shutter | |
Type | 8.0 cm (3.2") TFT colour LCD, Approx. 2.1 million dots |
Coverage | Approx. 100% |
Viewing Angle Horizontally/Vertically | Approx. 170° vertically and horizontally |
Coating | Anti-smudge. |
Brightness Adjustment | Manual: Adjustable to one of seven levels |
Colour Tone Adjustment: 4 settings | |
Touch-Screen Operations | Capacitive method with menu functions, Quick Control settings, playback operations, and magnified display. AF point selection in still and Movies, touch shutter is possible in still photo shooting. |
Display Options | (1)Basic Camera settings |
(2)Advance Camera settings | |
(3)Camera settings plus histogram and dual level display | |
(4)No info | |
(5)Quick Control Screen | |
(6) Off | |
Built-in Flash GN (ISO 100, meters) | |
Built-in Flash Coverage | |
Built-in Flash Recycle Time | |
Modes | E-TTL II flash metering, Manual flash, MULTI flash (stroboscopic), Auto external flash metering, Manual external flash metering |
Red-Eye Reduction | |
X-Sync | When [Cropping/aspect ratio: Full-frame/1:1/4:3/16:9] is set: 1/200 sec mechanical shutter / 1/250 electronic 1st curtain, 1/160 sec Electronic shutter |
When [Cropping/aspect ratio: 1.6x (crop)] is set: 1/250 sec mechanical shutter / 1/320 electronic 1st curtain, 1/250 sec Electronic shutter8 | |
Flash Exposure Compensation | '+/- 3EV in 1/3 increments with EX and EL series Speedlite flashes |
Flash Exposure Bracketing | '+/- 3EV in 1/3 increments with EX and EL series Speedlite flashes |
Flash Exposure Lock | Yes |
Second Curtain Synchronisation | Yes, via Speedlite |
Hot Shoe/PC Terminal | Yes/Yes and Multi-function shoe |
External Flash Compatibility | EL series Speedlites, EX series Speedlites, Macrolites, Wireless multi-flash support |
External Flash Control | via camera menu screen |
Modes | Stills; Flexible priority AE, Program AE, Shutter priority AE, Aperture priority AE, Manual, Bulb and Custom (x3) |
Movie: Program AE, Shutter priority AE, Aperture priority AE, Manual, and Custom (x3) | |
Special Scene Modes | |
Creative Filters | |
Picture Styles | Auto, Standard, Portrait, Landscape, Fine Detail, Neutral, Faithful, Monochrome, User Defined (x3) |
Colour Space | SDR: sRGB and Adobe RGB HDR PQ: BT.2020 |
Highlight Tone Priority (3 settings) | |
Auto Lighting Optimizer (4 settings) | |
Long exposure noise reduction (3 settings) (still only) | |
Clarity | |
High ISO speed noise reduction (4 settings) (still and video) | |
Lens optical correction: | |
- Peripheral illumination correction, Chromatic aberration correction Distortion correction (during/after still photo shooting, during video only) | |
- Focus breathing correction(during video only) | |
- Diffraction correction, | |
- Digital Lens Optimizer (during/after still photo shooting) | |
Image Processing | Resize to M, S1, S2 |
Cropping: JPEG images can be cropped (Aspect ratios 3:2, 4:3, 16:9, 1:1) | |
Cropping of images | |
- Switch between vertical and horizontal cropping orientation | |
- Image straightening | |
- Cropping frame can be moved using touch screen operation | |
- Neural Network Upscaling | |
RAW image processing | |
Neural Network Noise Reduction | |
Multiple exposure | |
HDR | |
HEIF to Jpeg conversion (inc Batch conversion) | |
Focus Bracketing and in camera composition | |
Drive Modes | Single, Continuous High+, Continuous High, Continuous Low, Customisable Continuous shooting speeds, Self-timer (2s+remote, 10s+remote, continuous) |
Continuous Shooting | Max. Approx. 12 fps. with Mechanical shutter/1st curtain electronic speed maintained for 760 JPEG or 230/95(CFexpress/SD card) RAW images or 30 FPS with electronic shutter speed maintained for 200 JPEG or 93/86(CFexpress/SD card) RAW images9. |
Custom Continuous shooting speed with Electronic shutter selectable options 30 / 20 / 15 / 12 / 10 / 7.5 / 5 / 3 / 2 / 1 FPS depending on the drive mode. | |
Pre-Continuous shooting is possible from 15 shots before the shutter button is fully pressed when the AF is on for 15 shots or more. | |
Maximum Burst | |
Intervalometer | |
Interval Timer | Built in |
Still Image Type | RAW 14 bit: RAW and C-RAW (Canon original RAW 3rd edition) |
JPEG 8 bit: 10 compression options | |
HEIF 10 bit: 10 compression options | |
Complies with Exif 2.31 and Design rule for Camera File system 2.0 | |
Complies with Digital Print Order Format [DPOF] Version 1.1 | |
RAW+JPEG/HEIF Simultaneous Recording | Yes, any combination of RAW + JPEG or RAW + HEIF possible |
Image Size | RAW/ C-RAW: |
3:2 ratio 8192x5464, 1.6x (crop) 5088x3392 | |
3:2 ratio (L, RAW, C-RAW) 8192x5464, (M) 6000x4000, (S1) 4176x2784, (S2) 2400x1600 | |
1.6x (crop) (L) 5088x3392, (S2) 2400x1600 | |
4:3 ratio (L) 7280x5464, (M) 5328x4000, (S1) 3712x2784, (S2) 2112x1600 | |
16:9 ratio (L) 8192x4608, (M) 6000x3368, (S1) 4176x2344, (S2) 2400x1344 | |
1:1 ratio (L) 5456x5456, (M) 4000x4000, (S1) 2784x2784, (S2) 1600x1600 | |
In-camera Neural Network Upscaling up to 16384x10928 (179MP)10 | |
Folders | New folders can be manually created, named and selected |
Movie folder structure is adopting the XF-HEVC S / XF-AVC S format | |
File Numbering | (1) Consecutive numbering |
(2) Auto-reset | |
(3) Manual reset | |
File Naming | Still: |
Preset code Unique 4-digit character string + 4-digit file number | |
2 User Presets | |
Movie: | |
Adopting the XF-HEVC S / XF-AVC S format | |
Camera index, Reel number, Clip number, Codec type, Shooting start date, Shooting start time, Random ID, User defined 5 characters, Stream number, (Proxy) | |
Movie Type | RAW/SRAW Video: 8K DCI(17:9) / 4K DCI(17:9)11 |
MP4 Video: 8K DCI/UHD (17:9/16:9) 4K DCI/UHD (17:9/16:9), 2K/Full HD (17:9/16:9) | |
8K/4K/2K/Full HD: XF-HEVC S/H.265, Audio: Linear PCM / AAC | |
4K/2K/Full HD: MPEG-4 AVC S/H.264, Audio: Linear PCM / AAC | |
8K RAW 4K RAW: 12bit CRM Audio: Linear PCM / AAC | |
8K/4K/FullHD Time-lapse movie mode | |
Movie Size | RAW (Light) (17:9) 8192 x 4320 (59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, 24, 23.98 fps) |
RAW (Standard) (17:9) 8192 x 4320 (29.97, 25, 24, 23.98 fps) | |
SRAW (Standard, Light) (17:9) 4096 x 2160 (59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, 24, 23.98 fps) | |
8K DCI (17:9) 8192 x 4320 (29.97, 25, 24, 23.98 fps) 2-3 type of intra or Long GOP | |
8K UHD (16:9) 7680 x 4320 (29.97, 25, 23.98 fps) 2-3 type of intra or Long GOP | |
4K DCI (17:9) 4096 x 2160 (119.9, 100, 59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, 24, 23.98 fps) 3 type of intra or Long GOP | |
4K UHD (16:9) 3840 x 2160 (119.9, 100, 59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, 23.98 fps) 3 type of intra or Long GOP | |
2K DCI (17:9) 2048 x 1080 (239.76, 200, 119.9, 100, 59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, 24, 23.98 fps) Intra frame or Long GOP | |
Full HD (16:9) 1920 x 1080 (239.76, 200, 119.9, 100, 59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, 23.98 fps) Intra frame or Long GOP | |
HDR movie recording at up to 59.94p in Normal modes of 4K DCI/UHD, 2K DCI/UHD, Full HD | |
HDR movie recording at up to 29.97p in Fine modes of 4K DCI/UHD, 2K DCI/UHD, Full HD12 | |
Colour Sampling (Internal recording) | 8K/ 4K/ 2K/ Full HD - YCbCr4:2:0 or YCbCr4:2:2 8-bit or 10bit |
Canon Log | Custom Picture: |
C1: Canon 709 | |
C2: Canon Log 2 | |
C3: Canon Log 3 | |
C4: PQ | |
C5: HLG | |
C6: BT.709 Standard | |
C7 - C20: User Defined | |
Picture Styles: Auto, Standard, Portrait, Landscape, Fine Detail, Neutral, Faithful, Monochrome, User Defined (x3) | |
Movie Length | Max duration 6 hours. (excluding High Frame Rate movies). No 4 GB file limit with exFAT formatted card13. |
High Frame Rate Movie | MP4 Video: |
4K – DCI 4096x2160 / UHD 3840x2160 at 119.9 / 100 fps | |
2K – DCI 4096x2160 / UHD 3840x2160 at 239.76 / 200 / 119.9 / 100 fps | |
Full HD 1920 x1080 at 239.76 / 200 / 119.9 / 100 fps14 | |
Frame Grab | 35.4-megapixel JPEG still image frame grab from 8K DCI movie possible |
33.2-megapixel JPEG still image frame grab from 8K UHD movie possible | |
8.8-megapixel JPEG still image frame grab from 4K DCI movie possible | |
8.3-megapixel JPEG still image frame grab from 4K UHD movie possible | |
(HEIF only possible when HDR PQ is set)15 | |
Dual Shooting (Still & Movie): | |
Movie Output: | |
Main recording format: XF-AVC S YCC420 8bit | |
Movie recording size: Full HD (Normal) at 29.97p / 25p (LGOP) | |
Still Drive mode (JPEG only at the resolution of 8K(7680×4320) and Aspect ratio: Approx. 16:9): | |
High speed (Max. approx. 7.5 shots/sec. (NTSC), Max. approx. 6.2 shots/sec. (PAL)) | |
Low speed (Max. approx. 5.0 shots/sec. (NTSC), Max. approx. 4.1 shots/sec. (PAL)) | |
Single shooting 16 | |
Bitrate/Mbps | CRM: |
8K RAW Standard (29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p): Approx. 2600 Mbps | |
8K RAW Light (59.94p/50.00p): Approx. 2600 Mbps | |
8K RAW Light (29.97p): Approx. 1670 Mbps | |
8K RAW Light (25p): Approx. 1400 Mbps | |
8K RAW Light (24.00p/23.98p): Approx. 1340 Mbps | |
4K SRAW Standard (59.94p): Approx. 1860 Mbps | |
4K SRAW Standard (50p): Approx. 1550 Mbps | |
4K SRAW Standard (29.97p): Approx. 930 Mbps | |
4K SRAW Standard (25.00p/24.00p/23.98p): Approx. 780 Mbps | |
4K SRAW Light (59.94p): Approx. 840 Mbps | |
4K SRAW Light (50p): Approx. 700 Mbps | |
4K SRAW Light (29.97p): Approx. 420 Mbps | |
4K SRAW Light (25.00p/24.00p/23.98p): Approx. 350 Mbps | |
MP4 8K DCI/UHD Normal: | |
XF-HEVC S YCC422 10bit | |
High Quality Intra 24p / 23.98p: Approx. 1920 Mbps | |
Standard Intra 25p: Approx. 1500 Mbps | |
Light Intra 25p: Approx. 1000 Mbps | |
Standard LGOP 25p: Approx. 540 Mbps | |
XF-HEVC S YCC420 10bit Standard LGOP | |
29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p: Approx. 400 Mbps | |
MP4 4K DCI/UHD Fine / Normal (Oversampled from 8K / Not oversampled): | |
XF-HEVC S YCC422 10bit Standard LGOP | |
29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p: Approx. 135 Mbps | |
XF-HEVC / XF-AVC S S YCC420 10bit / 8bit Standard LGOP | |
29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p: Approx. 100 Mbps | |
XF-AVC S YCC422 10bit | |
High Quality Intra 25p: Approx. 500 Mbps | |
Standard Intra 25p: Approx. 375 Mbps | |
Light Intra 25p: Approx. 250 Mbps | |
Standard LGOP 29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p: Approx. 150 Mbps | |
MP4 4K DCI/UHD Normal (Not oversampled): | |
XF-HEVC S YCC422 10bit Standard LGOP | |
119.9p / 100p: Approx. 450 Mbps | |
59.94p/50.00p: Approx. 225 Mbps | |
XF-HEVC / XF-AVC S S YCC420 10bit / 8bit Standard LGOP | |
119.9p / 100p: Approx. 300 Mbps | |
59.94p/50.00p: Approx. 150 Mbps | |
XF-AVC S YCC422 10bit | |
High Quality Intra 50p: Approx. 1000 Mbps | |
Standard Intra 100p: Approx. 1500 Mbps | |
Standard Intra 50p: Approx. 750 Mbps | |
Light Intra 100p: Approx. 1000 Mbps | |
Light Intra 50p: Approx. 500 Mbps | |
Standard LGOP 100p: Approx. 500 Mbps | |
Standard LGOP 50p: Approx. 250 Mbps | |
MP4 2K DCI / FullHD Fine / Normal (Oversampled from 4K / Not oversampled): | |
XF-HEVC S YCC422 10bit Standard LGOP | |
59.94p/50.00p/29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p: Approx. 50 Mbps | |
XF-HEVC / XF-AVC S S YCC420 10bit / 8bit Standard LGOP | |
59.94p/50.00p/29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p: Approx. 35 Mbps | |
XF-AVC S YCC422 10bit | |
Standard Intra 25p/50p: Approx. 125/250 Mbps | |
Standard LGOP 59.94p/50.00p/29.97p/25.00p/24.00p/23.98p: Approx. 50 Mbps | |
MP4 2K DCI/UHD Normal (Not oversampled): | |
XF-HEVC S YCC422 10bit Standard LGOP | |
239.76p / 200p: Approx. 200 Mbps | |
119.88p / 100p: Approx. 100 Mbps | |
XF-HEVC / XF-AVC S S YCC420 10bit / 8bit Standard LGOP | |
239.76p / 200p: Approx. 140 Mbps | |
119.88p / 100p: Approx. 70 Mbps | |
XF-AVC S YCC422 10bit | |
Standard Intra 200p: Approx. 1000 Mbps | |
Standard Intra 100p: Approx. 500 Mbps | |
Standard LGOP 200p: Approx. 200 Mbps | |
Standard LGOP 100p: Approx. 100 Mbps | |
Proxy movie (2K-DCI Normal / Full HD Normal) | |
XF-HEVC S YCC420 10bit / XF-AVC S YCC420 8bit Standard LGOP | |
59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p: Approx. 16 Mbps | |
XF-HEVC S YCC420 10bit / XF-AVC S YCC420 8bit Light LGOP | |
59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p: Approx. 9 Mbps | |
Dual Card recording | Yes (including Proxy recording) |
Microphone | Built-in mono microphone (48 Khz, 24/16-bit x 2 channels) |
Audio format: | |
LPCM / 24 bit / 4CH | |
AAC / 16 bit / 2CH | |
HDMI Display | Output to external monitor only (output of images and shooting information, images are recorded to the card) |
Camera screen and External Monitor output (Simultaneous recording to camera and external recorder, camera screen shows images with shooting information)17 | |
HDMI Output | 8K RAW or 4K SRAW ProRes recording via HDMI18 |
4K (DCI) 59.94p / 50p/29.97p /25p/24p/ 23.98p, | |
4K (UHD) 59.94p / 50p/ 29.97p / 25p / 23.98p, | |
Full HD 59.94p / 60i / 59.94i / 50p / 50i | |
480p 59.94p | |
576p 50p | |
Uncompressed YCbCr 4:2:2, 10-bit, sound output via HDMI is also possible“ | |
Focusing | Dual Pixel Intelligent AF with Eye/Face Detection and Tracking AF (people, animals and vehicles) , Movie Servo AF, Manual Focus |
ISO | Auto: 100-25600, H: up to 51200 (when custom picture is off) |
Manual: 100-25600, H: up to 51200 (when custom picture is off) | |
NETWORK OPTIONS | Communication functions: |
- Via Wi-Fi: FTP, FTPS, SFTP, EOS Utility, image.canon, Sync time between cameras, Camera Connect, Streaming services, Content Transfer Professional, Linked shooting, Camera Control API | |
- Via Bluetooth: Camera Connect, BR-E1 | |
- Via USB: EOS Utility, Camera Connect, Content Transfer Professional, Video calls/streaming (UVC/UAC) | |
- Via Ethernet: FTP, FTPS, SFTP, EOS Utility, Sync time between cameras, Camera Control API | |
Simultaneous use of communication functions: | |
- FTP (wireless LAN) + EOS Utility (wireless LAN) | |
- FTP (wired LAN) + EOS Utility (wired LAN) | |
- FTP (wireless LAN) + EOS Utility (USB) | |
- FTP (wired LAN) + EOS Utility (USB) | |
Metadata Tag | User copyright information (can be set in camera) |
Image rating (0-5 stars) | |
IPTC data (registered with EOS Utility) | |
IPTC data (via CTP app) | |
IPTC IIM (via CTP app) | |
NewsML-G2 (News Metadata) (via CTP app) | |
Image transfer with caption (Caption registered with EOS Utility) | |
Blur/Out-of-Focus image detection data19 | |
LCD Panel/Illumination | Yes/Yes |
Water/Dust Resistance | Yes 20 |
Voice Memo | Yes |
Intelligent Orientation Sensor | Yes |
Playback Zoom | 1.5x - 10x in 15 steps / on high resolution image (Upscaled image): 1.5x to 35x (22 levels) |
Display Formats | (1) Single image |
(2) Single image with information (2 levels) | |
Basic - Shooting information (shutter speed, aperture, ISO and Image quality) | |
Detailed - Shooting information (shutter speed, aperture, ISO, metering Image, quality and file size), Lens information, | |
Brightness and RGB histogram, Waveform monitor(movie mode only), White balance, Picture Style, Colour space and noise reduction, Lens optical correction, GPS information, IPTC information | |
(3) 4 image index | |
(4) 9 image index | |
(5) 36 image index | |
(6) 100 image index | |
(7) Jump Display (1, 10 or 100 images, start of burst sequence Date, Folder, Movies, Stills, Protected images, Rating) | |
(8) Movie edit | |
(9) RAW processing | |
(10) Rating | |
Slide Show | Image selection: All images, by Date, by Folder, Movies, Stills, Protected images or Rating |
Playback time: 1/2/3/5/10 or 20 seconds | |
Repeat: On/Off | |
Histogram | Brightness: Yes RGB: Yes |
Highlight Alert | Yes |
Image Erase | Select and erase images / Select range / All images in folder / All images on card / All found images (only during image search), Images transmitted via FTP |
Image Erase Protection | Erase protection of Select images / Select range / All images in folder / Unprotect all images in folder / All images on card / Unprotect all images on card / All found images / Unprotect all found images (only during image search) |
Self Timer | 2 or 10 sec. |
Menu Categories | (1) Shooting menu |
(2) AF Menu | |
(3) Playback menu | |
(4) Communication Function (Network) | |
(5) Function settings (Setup menu) | |
(6) Customize controls | |
(7) Custom Functions menu | |
(8) My Menu | |
Menu Languages | 29 Languages English, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, Greek, Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Hindi, Romanian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic, Thai, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Malay, Indonesia and Japanese |
Firmware Update | Update possible by the user using Camera Connect app or EOS Utility (Camera, Lens, External Speedlite, BLE remote control, Lens adapter, Power zoom adapter, multi-function shoe compatible accessories) |
Computer | SuperSpeed Plus USB 3.2 Gen 2 USB Type-C® connector |
Wi-Fi | Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11ax 2×2 MIMO) (6 GHz / 5 GHz / 2.4 GHz)21, with Bluetooth 5.3 support |
Other | HDMI out (Type A, HDMI-CEC not supported), RJ-45 Ethernet terminal for 2.5 GBASE-T wired LAN, External Microphone In (Stereo mini jack), Headphone socket (Stereo mini jack), N3-type terminal (remote control terminal), PC Sync terminal. |
GPS: | |
GPS satellites (American) | |
GLONASS satellites (Russian) | |
MICHIBIKI Quasi-Zenith Satellites (Japanese) | |
Canon Printers | |
PictBridge | Not supported |
Type | 1x CFexpress type B maximum capacity 2TB (compatible with CFexpress 2.0 and VPG400) |
1x SD/SDHC/SDXC and UHS-II | |
PC | Windows 10 and Windows 11 (tablet mode not supported) |
Macintosh | macOS 12 / 13 /14 |
Image Processing | Digital Photo Professional 4.19.10 or later |
Digital Photo Professional Express mobile app 1.10.10 or later (iOS only) | |
Other | EOS Utility 3.18.10 or later (incl. Remote Capture), Picture Style Editor, EOS Lens Registration Tool, EOS Web Service Registration Tool, Canon Camera connect app 3.2.10 or later (iOS/Android), Content Transfer Professional app (iOS/Android). |
Batteries | Rechargeable Li-ion Battery LP-E6P (supplied)22 |
Battery Life | With LCD Approx. 630 shots (at 23°C)23 |
With Viewfinder Approx. 340 shots (at 23°C)23 | |
Battery Indicator | 6 levels + percentage |
Power Saving | Power turns off after 30 seconds, 1, 3, 5, 10 or 30mins |
Power Supply & Battery Chargers | Battery charger LC-E6E (supplied), Car Battery Charger CBC-E6, CD Coupler DR-E6P24, PD-E2 USB power adapter, PD-E1 USB power adapter25 |
Wireless File Transmitter | |
Cases / Straps | |
Lenses | All RF and RF-S lenses (EF & EF-S via Lens adapters) |
Flash | Canon Speedlite (EL-126, EL-5 EL-100, 90EX, 220EX, 270EX, 270EX II, 320EX, 380EX, 420EX, 430EX, 430EX II, 430EX III 470EX-AI, 550EX, 580EX26, 580EX II26, 600EX26, 600EX-RT26, 600EX-II-RT26, Macro-Ring-Lite MR-14EX, Macro Ring Lite MR-14EX II, Macro Twin Lite MT-24EX, Macro Twin Lite MT-26EX Speedlite Transmitter ST-E2, Speedlite Transmitter ST-E3-RT26, Speedlite Transmitter ST-E3-RT V226, Speedlite Transmitter ST- E10) |
Battery Grip | BG-R20 battery grip27, BG-R20EP battery grip28, CF-R20EP Cooling Fan29 |
Remote Controller/Switch | Remote Switch RS-80N3, Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3, Remote control with N3 type socket, Speedlite 600EX-II-RT. Speedlite EL-1 and BR-E1 Bluetooth remote |
Other | GP-E2 GPS receiver30 (digital compass not supported), Eyecup ER-KE, Multi-Function Shoe Adapter AD- E1, Multi-Function Shoe Directional Stereo Microphone DM-E1D (Mic), Multi-Function Shoe Adapter for Smartphone Link AD-P1 for Android, Stereo Microphone DM-E1 / DM-E100, Tascam CA-XLR2d-C XLR microphone adapter, Rain Cover small ERC-R5S, Rain Cover large ERC-R5L, Protecting Cloth PC-E1, Hand Strap E2, Shoe cover ER-SC1, Shoe cover ER-SC2, Shoe cover ER-SC3, Tripod Grip HG-100TBR31, Interface Cable IFC-100U, Interface Cable IFC-400U |
Body Materials | Magnesium Alloy body and Chassis with some components consisting of polycarbonate with glass fibre |
Operating Environment | 1 – 40 °C, 85% or less humidity |
Dimensions (WxHxD) | Approx. 138.5×101.2×93.5 mm |
Weight (body only) | Approx. 656 g (746 g with card and battery) |
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